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International Marriage

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International Marriage

Marriage between a Japanese national and a foreign national.

  • Marriage in Japan
    An international marriage must confirm to the law of each country of the persons who are marrying. It is important to undertake the procedures for marrying in both country.
    Specifically, the various notification in addition to marriage notification are stipulated in the relevant laws, such as that of alien registration.
    Marriage in Japan consists of a civil marriage registration by the couple at a Japanese municipal government office. Only this civil registration constitutes a legal marriage in Japan.
  • Who can get married in Japan?
    The following condition for marriage are stipulated under Japanese law. All of these conditions must be fulfilled.
  • The male partner must be 18 years of age or older and the female partner must be 16 years of age or older.
  • A person who is under 20 years of age cannot get married in Japan without a parent's approval.
  • Polygamy is prohibited.
  • A woman cannot get married within six months of the dissolution of her previous marriage. According to Japanese law, this is to avoid confusion as to the identification of a child's father if a birth occurs close in time to the end of the marriage.
  • Most people related by blood, by adoption or through other marriages cannot get married in Japan.
  • Documents you need to prepare
    1. Marriage notification (This application form is available at the administrative office of your municipality.)
    It requires signatures and seals from 2 witnesses of any nationality over 20years old. Generally non-Japanese witnesses will sign in longhand, while Japanese, Korean and Chinese national witnesses may be asked for their seal.
    2. Family register
    The Japanese citizens will require a certified copy of their family register issued within 3 months of the marriage.
    3. Certificate of legal capacity to contract marriage (with its Japanese translation)
    4. Residence card or Alien registration card
    5. Proof of citizenship (passport or birth certificate)
  • Get married
    This is the part of this whole procedure that actually makes you and your spouse “married.”
    Once all the paperwork above is completed, proceed to the appropriate Japanese municipal government office. To avoid any disappointment, be sure to confirm local marriage procedures and rules directly with municipal government officials.(For example, depending on the jurisdiction, you may be required to submit a certified copy of your birth certificate and its Japanese translation.)
  • Report to the embassy
    With this, the preparations on the Japanese side are completed, and foreigner should notify his or her own country. The acceptance of marriage notification is necessary for this, so you should ask for the acceptance of marriage notification to be issued to you when you submit the marriage notification.
    The method of procedures varies from county to country, so confirm with the embassy or consulate in Japan.
    Persons wishing to change their status of residence to that of a spouse of a Japanese national should consult a certified immigration attorney as soon as possible.

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